by | Mar 27, 2020 | Blog
5 Effective Homepage Tips Your homepage is where it all starts. It’s the first thing that your clients will see. We want to help you create a good and meaningful first impression. We will also help make sure your site is looking spiffy because that never hurts....
by | Feb 23, 2020 | Blog
Responsive Design What is Responsive Design? Have you ever been to a website that looked awesome on a computer but less than awesome on a phone? So have we. Frustrating isn’t it? If you’ve ever tried filling out a contact form that is partially cutoff with...
by | Feb 15, 2020 | Blog
Getting Started Why Current Blue Design? I’m fascinated by the ocean. It’s a bit ironic because I live in Nebraska and couldn’t be farther away. Yet I’ve always found myself drawn to it. The beach is my happy place. As I was dreaming about this...